Sunday, 7 June 2009


It’s a sad day to see the BNP win a council seat in Leicestershire. I always thought Leicester had a good mix of people to be so easily influenced by the likes of the BNP. Well, how wrong was I!
We all know Racism and Prejudices derive from ignorance and the fear of the unknown. But, I don’t believe all English people are racists. Especially, as Britain has a great reputation of helping refugees. So, what’s going wrong? Some of it I blame some on government policies which makes people from abroad look like their getting a good deal when their actually not. Part of it I blame it on the media for its role in hyping up stories of foreigner’s taking over Britain. Most of it, I think is we’re living such stressed out lives we don’t have time to understand or relate to people different to us. Please do remember this is just my opinion and I could be wrong.
However, one actual fact remains, British people work the longest hours in Europe. It’s not surprising we don’t have time for ourselves let alone anybody else. Gone are the days when extended families help out. Independent living means we tend to go for familiarity rather than diversity. Sticking to your own kind comes as second nature. Sharing the same views, beliefs, cultures, and lifestyles is everybody’s dream, isn’t it? I would like to think not! Again this is just my opinion.
My feelings are that racism surfaces when we choose not to tolerate others who are different to us. Sorry! If it sounds like a lecture but I need to release what I feels about this disease of hating people. It’s natural to be weary of others. Again some people believe that all foreigners have come to Britain to take over jobs, homes and country which is nonsensical. If immigrants are allowed to work in Britian its ususally all the menial jobs given that nobody wants. Coming from an Ethnic background myself, I just try to work hard and want to be treated like everybody else. No special treatment.
Migration has existed for centuries, it’s nothing new. There are alot of displaced people around the world. To give one example, there are millions of Afghan refugeees in Pakistan and they haven't shut their borders to them. What is helping people to migrate quicker for whatever reason is modern technology. There nothing wrong in moving countries if you got the means. More people will move in the future. It’s just the signs of the times we living in.
My experiences of mixing with people from different backgrounds have always been good. I tend to get on with people like a house on fire! Regardless of what race, culture and creeds they come from.I know some English and non-English people are opposed to learning about others who are different to them. But, I wonder, what quality of life do they want to live? A one dimensional existence? How boring! We’re all humans not aliens Lol! I should know my children’s father is English. I’m hoping by the next election everybody will have come to their senses and boot the BNP out of the East Midlands and all of Britain for good.

Tuesday, 2 June 2009

Asian Writer's website

I’ve just finished doing a 500 words article with pictures for the Asian Writer’s website about the MWA (Muslim Writer’s Awards). It should be in the next issue and I’m very pleased it’s been accepted. It was so easy to write about.