Yes, I’ve been busy doing a Cbbc script for the BBC writer’s room competition. The conditions for the competition was the script couldn't be longer than 30 minutes, and no more than 30 pages. I received the email ten days ago, and I wasn’t sure if I would be able to complete it on time. I’m pleased to say I’ve met the deadline before the 1st of July and finished a 6,000 word script.
Phew! It was a slog and I’m quite proud to have done it. But, I hate the waiting part, it always leaves me wondering, was it good enough? Could I’ve done better? etc etc. Why do we self doubt our capability? I don’t know... I suppose it’s the way a writer’s mind works... there’s always room for improvement. No writing piece ever reaches the stage you want it to be at. The funny thing is the other day I was searching the web and I came across this fact page about famous writers who received rejections in their life time. Names like Virginia Woolf , H.G wells, Charles Dickens all took rejections and coped. So who knows if I persevere with my writing where it can lead to.
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