Sunday, 19 December 2010

Literature at Lunchtime 'Uncle Tom's Cabin and Voluntary work.

I attended Jane Mackay literature at lunchtime hour last Thursday and I’m so glad I did. Harriet Beecher Stowe’s `Uncle Tom’s Cabin’ was discussed. She may not have been everybody’s taste but I think she was a positive influence in the abolitionist cause. I know there are lots of Africans and African-Americans who will disagree with me but I believe she did what she thought was right according to her time.
Jane begins the lecture as usual with the writer’s background. Harriet was a Christian, teacher, and an active abolitionist in the 1850’s. She wrote `Uncle Tom’s Cabin’ to expose the reality of slavery and her belief that Christian love can overcome something as difficult as slavery. Today, many Afro-Americans believe Harriet’s book actually encouraged and popularized the stereotypes of Afro- American people. Personally speaking, I don’t believe Harriet had that intention in mind. Yes, the references to `mammy’ and `uncle Tom’ and other words are difficult to stomach and make you want to chuck away the book. Yet, it is important to remember Harriet’s book was written in a time when slavery was thriving.
Going to this lecture helped me reflect on my journey in the last few months. I don’t really want to talk about it in depth but to say I was volunteering at an outstanding establishment. At first everything was running smoothly and I was learning a lot from staff I was working under. However, as time went on the mood began to shift and I felt some of the staff less welcoming.
At first, I didn’t realise anything was wrong as there were so many other things going on in my life that I had become forgetful. You see my youngest had fallen ill and it was pretty scary time for me dealing with blood tests and doctor’s appointments. Thank God! Everything turned out fine with her and it was nothing too serious. Yet, at the same time some of the staff at this place began to exclude and ignore me. A surreal and weird situation for me to be in. From previous experience people who behave in this manner tend to be bullies who have many insecurities of their own. I always believe people who behave in this tyrant manner show up their true nature and what quality of person they are. I tried not to let their behaviour affect me but at times it was hard to deal with.
Looking back, perhaps I was a little naive going to such a place. I’m not an arrogant person and will admit when I am wrong. I know I have made plenty of mistakes in my time there, but in no way does it justify the childish bullying that I experienced. In such difficult circumstances I try to reflect upon what I could have done differently. I am still baffled by some of the staff's behaviour towards me. I will not say that all my experience was terrible there. I did meet some exceptional hardworking staff. People I learnt to respect and admire.
I realise in life there will always be someone who will judge, ridicule or make you out to be something you’re not which is ok. People are entitled to their opinions. I know who I am and what I am about. What I have decided is to take away the good from this experience and implement it in my next journey. I don’t like to reflect too much on the negative side of my experience as I believe it leads to nothing. So in the next month I will continue my filming project as planned.

Sunday, 10 October 2010

Teaching- Asian Writer’s Anthology, EDL and the one love festival.

Since the end of Ramadan I have become extremely busy teaching, studying and looking after the family. Having said that though, I did find time to write a funny short story for the Asian writer’s Anthology out next week.
Lately, I don’t have time for myself. Perhaps, it has to do with my workload but it can’t be helped at the moment. I started a three month teaching course in Derby-something I have to do. Trying to fulfil all roles mother, teacher, student, extended family member is difficult.It kind of saddens me to know I’m not writing for pleasure. I am trying to prioritise my time and get back to what I promised I wouldn’t let go of but it’s hard. Playing the juggling octopus does take its toll. What can you do? Most days I’m up at the crack of dawn and out before 7.30- it kills.
Since the English Defence League has made it's appearance this weekend, it has made me more determined to get back to my writing. In my opinion, this group is full of semi -literate thugs who go round scare mongering and making exaggerated claims about Muslims taking over Britain. A bit like reading a fantasy book!!!Totally far-fetched!!! I wish they would polish up on their English, English law and history before they go round making such nonsensical claims. I suppose standing on roof tops and chanting racist remarks is a good way to get the media’s attention. I know I shouldn’t judge but they infuriate me!
I’m glad to say the counter balance to the EDL coming to Leicester has been for me to take the kids and attend the one love festival at Humberstone Gate today. It was great joy to see so many different people attending the event. People smiling - full of love, compassion and understanding. I think I'm about to break out into a Bob Marley song!:-)

Monday, 23 August 2010

Ramadan, 16 hours fasting, the floods in Pakistan and Niger

We are nearly half way through Ramadan- 16 hours of fasting and it’s getting better. I’m not feeling the thirst as I did at the beginning; perhaps it has to do with the flood images stuck in my head as a reminder. How can I complain when I have so much! I’m not the lecturing type, but the current situation in Pakistan makes you appreciate all that you have.
Someone I know who is on the ground with one of these charities has told me when the floods started many people were asleep, unaware of the danger and got swept away in the rising tide. It’s always the poor and less- fortunate that get hit the hardest. It was the same sadness I felt upon hearing about the drought in eastern Niger…young children malnourished. Especially, in this month, I’ve tried to increase my prayer supplications and donate more to charities. But, I can’t help feeling….will it ever be enough? The epidemic that will occur, deadly water borne diseases such as Cholera, diarrhoea will increase affecting not only the young but the old. The amount of displaced/homeless people will not only be in Pakistan but also Niger (as people move away from their homes looking for food) and other third world countries too. It kinda breaks your heart.
You do begin to despair about turning on the news, but what always takes me by surprise is when I see human kindness in abundance appearing from all corners of the world. Everybody trying to do their bit- be they Muslim or non-Muslim trying to help in these situations. That’s when you realise the world does care and people are important. Surely but slowly people do understand it’s not just a third world problem but everyone’s problem. That will be all I have to say on the subject for now but I will continue to pray for everyone in this blessed month.
Moving on to other topics. I have been writing and reading - working on a possible new screenplay project with a colleague and re-writing my children’s book. Will tell all in my next blog.

Thursday, 5 August 2010

The strange case of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde, Lyric Lounge and Mellow Baku.

August starts off with a bang for me! It has been a literature week all round! While my kids are away at their grandparents, I attended DR Jane Mackay Literature at lunchtime hour. She discussed Robert Louis Stevenson’s book ‘The strange case of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde. I am astounded by her in depth knowledge of the writer, she lectures for a solid hour using no notes or papers. It’s just amazing to watch her reel so many names and dates with no much as a hesitation. Did you know Robert Louis Stevenson wrote Dr Jekyll and My Hyde after he had a bad dream? He wrote 30,000 words (the whole book) in three days and rewrote the book again in another three days. So, in all he spent six days writing 60,000 words. Sheer genius! To top it all he was in chronic bad health!
After attending Dr Mackay’s lecture, I was in the mood for words and poetry. I attended Lyric Lounge held at the New Walk Museum. There were some brilliant performers, Jean Binta Breeze, word with Mark Gwyne Jones and my all-time favourite Mellow Baku. She has an amazing voice and a very talented woman. I t was breath taking to hear her sing and create a song in her workshop. Top class act!

Wednesday, 28 July 2010

Brit Writer’s Awards (O2 Arena), Filming and Channel 4 Competition.

Well, July has been a busy month for me.... school holidays…visiting London…so many highs…lows…..drama’s…who needs ‘Corrie’ or East Enders’ when you lead such a busy life!! Don’t get me going…Where do I begin?
Firstly, to say how proud I am of Eemaan’s achievements to get nominated for two awards in the space of a few months. She’s only thirteen and the youngest in her category to get nominated!!!She’ll get there …it’s just a matter of time…watch this space!
It was a great evening at the O2 meeting the likes of Terry Pratchet….his words of wisdom… to keep writing no matter what! He asked Eemaan if she had read any of his books. She told him she liked his book `Nation’ which he was very proud of. Some of the other A listers we met were…Honor Blackman, Philip Sheppard, Terry Bamber (2nd unit production team manager on the last five Bond movies) Fergal Sharky CEO music and many more. A great evening and both Eemaan and I really enjoyed ourselves.
During our stay in London we visited the London Dungeons and my youngest Ruqayyah fainted during our tour round the place, which was right bang in the middle of lunch hour… as you can imagine packed with tourists. Ruqayyah turned out to be fine (her dizzy spell was brought on by a combination of not eating breakfast, heat and being tired. Of course It had nothing to do with the blood and gore on display there!!!An hour later Ruqayyah was ready to continue with the tour and enjoy the scary boat ride.
Apart from London I have been filming In Mel’s garden. Part documentary and part nature film…will explain more as I continue to film. Loads to learn in filming and presenting a programme. Early days still not sure… where I’m heading with this project. I’ve sent off my screenplay to two different Channel 4 competitions. Wish me luck!!

Saturday, 10 July 2010

Filming/Brits Writer’s Awards and hot weather

‘Now brightly coloured butterflies are all in flight, attracted by full summer blooms their scent a true delight! Is it me or is July HOT, HOT, HOT…. I’m just about coping in this sweltering heat! Lots to tell… I begin filming in the next few days. It’s a little tricky learning all the commands and fiddly bits on my digital camcorder. Filmed Eemaan the other day and hope to film my good friend, Mel’s beautiful garden in the next few days.
Fantastic news!Eemaan has made it to the finals of the Brit writer’s awards. My other two kids and I made it to the semi- finals. I cannot believe Eemaan has got this far- there were over 21,000 submissions for the competition. We will be going to the O2 Arena next week. I hope she wins.

Wednesday, 23 June 2010

Chris Jones' Master-Class

I attended Chris Jones’ master-class last weekend. What did I make of it? Well, the guy’s impressive! He knows his stuff and there aren’t many who would dare to be as open as he was. His course is intense-his step by step instructions on how to break into the film industry was pretty cool. I would highly recommend it if you’re seriously thinking of going into the film business. After all, this is the guy who set out to make a short film for the Oscars and got nominated.
My only complaint would be that at times I felt lost. Being a writer I have very little experience on the filming aspect. Chris is quite an easy going guy and you can stop and approach him at any point if you don’t understand anything. He will do his best to clear up any confusion /misunderstanding that you may have. In my case, he encouraged me to begin filming straight away to get a better insight on the filming side.
I guess the airless room we sat in didn’t help my concentration much. I think if we had more interactive, group work, workshop style sessions would have kept me on my toes. Having said that Chris unique-fast style lecturing did keep me interested even if I was totally shattered by the end. He’s definitely made me think of going to Cannes next year!

Sunday, 16 May 2010

The British Writer’s Awards 2 results

`For springtime’s past its heady height and summer’s on its way, this never fails to cheer us with a colourful display.’ I have fantastic news to tell. I, and all three of my children have made it through to the second round of the British Writer’s competition! We have one more round to get to the finals! I cannot believe we have come this far. There were over 21,000 submissions for the competition. We entered for fun – not really expecting to pass the first round. So, this has come as a pleasant surprise to get this far. Regardless of what the outcome maybe, I’m proud and delighted of what my family has achieved. We will know by June if we have made it to the finals. Watch this space...

Sunday, 21 March 2010

Eemaan and The Muslim New Awards for Excellence 2010

We’ve arrived back from London after attending the Muslim New Awards for Excellence 2010 at Grosvenor House. Eemaan is still a winner in my eyes! The only writer out of three to be shortlisted! A hearty congratulation to the winner Abdul-Akbar a black belt champion in Taekwondo! Phew! A gifted little boy! He’s hoping to be the torch bearer for the Olympics! I hope he gets the position! The other special runner up was Hanif Hussain –the David Beckham of the future!
I’m, very proud of what Eemaan has achieved and what is yet to come for her. She was a true sport- excited to attend the event without worrying if she won or not. She's optimistic about her writing career! That’s the spirit we try to maintain in our household!
Look forward to her writing future!

Monday, 1 March 2010

Children’s Film and Literature: A One Day Conference

February has been a hectic month for me. I’ve been busy looking for full time work.... entering competitions...falling ill... trying to keep up with all duties and chores!!! As they say a woman’s chores is never done!!!...So true!!!
March is here....’The yellow drifts of daffodils at the time of the year are just the sign we’ve waited for at last, spring time is here.’ I can’t wait for the weather to warm up, I’ve had enough of this rain...sleet and especially... SNOW.....So, I decided to go on a one day conference ‘Children’s film and Literature held at Demontfort, to help me start working on my children’s fantasy again. I have to say the lecturers are brilliant and I always come away learning something new. I quite enjoyed the midday session on Pirates, Adventure and Adaption given by Richard Butt and James Russell.
The children’s film literature is part of the Cultural Exchange week held at Demontfort. This is my second year attending the event. The lectures are excellent and I highly recommend to try out what’s on offer. I may have paid for the children’s course but most session will be free. Enjoy!

Friday, 15 January 2010

Hopes for the New Year and Eemaan being shortlisted for another Award!

It’s funny how we always make plans for the New Year and then don’t see them through! Raise your hands if you’re guilty of that! I keep telling myself I must get my screenplay and book completed and send it off soon. So, it came as no surprise to find out my thirteen years old daughter, Eemaan, has been nominated yet for another Award.
Well, she does follow after me!!! Eemaan has always enjoyed creating stories long before I encouraged her to write it down. it has always been her choice. It seem my ten years old son Ahmad is following in her footsteps too. He is beginning to show a flare for poems! So, I’m amazed when people question me if I’m jealous of my daughter’s success. I find it absurd... ridiculous to hold such thoughts. I love my daughter and....I’m ..proud of what she has achieved at such a young age.
Ok!I'm not going to lie to say I would like to be recognised one day. Yes! I've got some of my work published but yeah...I would like more. So, If my children get there before me, I can cope. I’m not in the writing business for a prize but to write and express things that are important to me!