Monday, 1 March 2010

Children’s Film and Literature: A One Day Conference

February has been a hectic month for me. I’ve been busy looking for full time work.... entering competitions...falling ill... trying to keep up with all duties and chores!!! As they say a woman’s chores is never done!!!...So true!!!
March is here....’The yellow drifts of daffodils at the time of the year are just the sign we’ve waited for at last, spring time is here.’ I can’t wait for the weather to warm up, I’ve had enough of this rain...sleet and especially... SNOW.....So, I decided to go on a one day conference ‘Children’s film and Literature held at Demontfort, to help me start working on my children’s fantasy again. I have to say the lecturers are brilliant and I always come away learning something new. I quite enjoyed the midday session on Pirates, Adventure and Adaption given by Richard Butt and James Russell.
The children’s film literature is part of the Cultural Exchange week held at Demontfort. This is my second year attending the event. The lectures are excellent and I highly recommend to try out what’s on offer. I may have paid for the children’s course but most session will be free. Enjoy!

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