Sunday 7 August 2011

Ramadan, and the famine of East Africa

The blessed month of Ramadan is upon us again. It’s amazing how the months can whizz by so fast and return to this special time again. Ramadan is a time to reflect on past actions and contemplate in how to change for the better in the future. Fasting is not something physical, but is rather the total commitment of the person's body and soul to the spirit of the fast. I have to admit eighteen or nineteen hours of fasting is difficult but it is nothing compared to the 10 million people facing starvation in East Africa and Somalia. Having experienced the recent mini heat wave in Leicester, it’s just a taster of what the people of Africa must be suffering.
To complain my mouth is dry and my throat a little itchy sounds silly. I may face difficulty speaking and trying to keep to small talk whenever necessary as I try to reserve energy. At least I am healthy and in good spirits. I wonder how they are coping in Africa. My hunger pangs can be quite frustrating but I let is pass. As I know at the end of the day I will break my fast but others won’t. I remember watching the news about one woman tying a rope around her stomach to stop the hunger pangs. What is there to say?
I cannot comprehend the unimaginable horror facing these brave people as they walk hundreds of miles to reach clean water or a charitable organisation. Watching them on TV really brings it home how lucky I am. A lot of these children making this trip with their parents will not survive. There is a lot for me to be grateful for. As I speak there are many great aid agencies working against the clock to get food and medicine to these suffering regions. My prayers and thoughts are with all those involved. Wishing everyone a happy and peaceful Ramadan!

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