Monday 23 August 2010

Ramadan, 16 hours fasting, the floods in Pakistan and Niger

We are nearly half way through Ramadan- 16 hours of fasting and it’s getting better. I’m not feeling the thirst as I did at the beginning; perhaps it has to do with the flood images stuck in my head as a reminder. How can I complain when I have so much! I’m not the lecturing type, but the current situation in Pakistan makes you appreciate all that you have.
Someone I know who is on the ground with one of these charities has told me when the floods started many people were asleep, unaware of the danger and got swept away in the rising tide. It’s always the poor and less- fortunate that get hit the hardest. It was the same sadness I felt upon hearing about the drought in eastern Niger…young children malnourished. Especially, in this month, I’ve tried to increase my prayer supplications and donate more to charities. But, I can’t help feeling….will it ever be enough? The epidemic that will occur, deadly water borne diseases such as Cholera, diarrhoea will increase affecting not only the young but the old. The amount of displaced/homeless people will not only be in Pakistan but also Niger (as people move away from their homes looking for food) and other third world countries too. It kinda breaks your heart.
You do begin to despair about turning on the news, but what always takes me by surprise is when I see human kindness in abundance appearing from all corners of the world. Everybody trying to do their bit- be they Muslim or non-Muslim trying to help in these situations. That’s when you realise the world does care and people are important. Surely but slowly people do understand it’s not just a third world problem but everyone’s problem. That will be all I have to say on the subject for now but I will continue to pray for everyone in this blessed month.
Moving on to other topics. I have been writing and reading - working on a possible new screenplay project with a colleague and re-writing my children’s book. Will tell all in my next blog.

1 comment:

  1. Love all your profound observations, Rukhsana. Hope the writing is going well.
